I need new shoes. Even though these ARE new shoes, they don’t work. Today I started training for the Disneyland half marathon. I actually have to start buckling down and get going on this running thing. Because now I have no choice. Unless I want to get picked up by the little golf cart man for being too slow and be disqualified I have to start training. And I think we did REALLY well today. We went 11 miles and I really don’t think I slowed down until the last 2 miles and that was because my feet were just throbbing. I have blisters on what seems like the entire bottoms of my feet. Suck it Asics you are NOT my favorite brand of shoes. I am officially disqualifying you.
Highlights of the run:
1. Seeing a huge caterpillar hanging on a bush branch.
2. Seeing a neon blue bird.
3. Seeing a red duck.
4. Watching a car get pulled over on the freeway.
5. The beautiful weather.
6. Chatting with Alma on a Saturday morning.
7. New painted mile markers on the Green River trail
Lowlights of the run:
1. Blisters. Lots of them. All over.
2. Eating bugs. Lots of them. All over.
3. Sore back fat
4. Sore front fat
5. Holding my pee for 5 miles because I’m afraid of the porta potty
6. Rude bicyclists, like always
7. Thinking in my brain “Why do I do this?”