Joggers bounce up and down at stoplights-Runners just stand there looking pissed.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Gag Reflex

So Mich recently posted on her toenails possibly falling off. This reminded me of my horrific toenail issues from last year’s OC Marathon training. I am no stranger to this topic. Of all the girls running I definitely had the WORST case of runner’s toenails. I decided to share…
The training schedule last year was strenuous to say the least. We were upping our Saturday long run miles by 2 every weekend. The toenails started coming off once I hit the 10 mile mark and it all went downhill from there. I ran my first 10 miles in hiking shoes, in the rain, with tsunami warnings along the San Clemente beach.  The hiking shoes that day KILLED my feet. My second toe rubbed constantly against the top of my shoe and I could feel there was a problem pretty quickly. When I was finished I couldn’t even TOUCH the top of my toenail with my fingers- that’s how bad it hurt. First the small toenails were black and blue and bruised and then the big ones turned those hideous colors too. My small toenail actually died and a new one started growing UNDER the dead one because the original just would not fall off. I should have taken pictures but it was so DISGUSTING that I didn’t ever want to remember it. My big toe lifted almost all the way off but I never had the courage to pull it off or go to the Dr. On top of that I’m pretty sure it got infected because it ended up cracking in the middle, turning soft, and pussing (yes, PUS) every day at work. It was the sickest thing I have ever seen or had happen to me. If someone else had showed me their toe and it looked that disgusting I would have never talked to them again. I had gag reflex from my own feet.
But…the running had to go on. I’m not sure why but each weekend there I was, running like a gazelle with the girls. Actually, I wouldn’t really compare my running to a gazelle…I’m more like a dinosaur the way I stomp and trudge along with my head down. A big fat Stegosaurus maybe. But I digress…
My feet were so wrapped up, bandaged, ankle braces over the socks, shoes that were too big, black and blue toenails with pus gorging out. Not fun. But it makes for a good story. If I can run 26.2 miles like that ANYONE can do it. It’s all in your mind. Determinism can get you far let me tell you. It’s not enjoyable at all, but any non runner knows…we don’t run for fun…we run for medals, free t-shirts, and the bagels waiting for us at the finish line.
Sorry if my toenails made you vomit. I’d love a comment on my post if you did. J
Forever a non-runner,

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