Joggers bounce up and down at stoplights-Runners just stand there looking pissed.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Night walks

I have a fat dog. I’m not saying this to be mean; she is honestly obese. I worry about her health. And on top of being obese she has anxiety issues. So yesterday after work I took her over to my sister’s house so we could all go on a walk together. I figured I need to break her in to enjoying car rides and get her big jelly butt moving on an adventure walk. Separating her from her 2 older sisters is half the battle anyways. The car ride was a tough one. You would think someone had beaten her or something by the way she was shaking and panting. Poor baby. But we made it there and we all walked. And she even ran a little. Impressive. We clocked in approximately 1 total mile and she probably could have gone farther.
We’re going to do this again one night next week as well. I’m debating taking 2 dogs next week. I know my dogs need walking everyday but honestly it just doesn’t happen-mainly because I’m afraid of walking around my neighborhood alone with them. I’ve tried several times before and had creepos watching/following us and also had several loose dogs run up on us which scares the heck out of me. So until I get pepper spray, a shank, a gun, or move to a safer neighborhood, the walks for my puppies aren’t going to happen. On top of that little road trip escapade I also did my 30 day challenge of 1.5 miles.
Go me. I’m tired. I’m glad it’s Friday today. I’m thankful for my mom. J

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