Joggers bounce up and down at stoplights-Runners just stand there looking pissed.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Another kind of cardio....

Today my non-runner buddy (who shall remain name-less because she has this really weird thing about the internet) and I did the STAIRS. We climbed 9 flights of stairs 3 times, in an enclosed stairwell, with NO ventilatio. I know, RETARDED! I'm not even sure if this contributing to our training but sometimes this workout seems a little easier than running. Have I mention how much I hate running? I do...hate it. Anyway, my legs and my ass will probably hurt for the next 2 days...yay me.

BTW, that non-runner buddy that I mentioned, she's actually a superstar runner and can run circles around all of us. She once told me that she likes running. I think we should kick her out of the group!

Love and (sweaty) Kisses...


  1. I like how you end your blogs with "love and kisses!" LOL!

  2. is MY most recent non-runner marathon (London, but almost all of them turn into a pub crawl):
