Joggers bounce up and down at stoplights-Runners just stand there looking pissed.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

State of Panic

OMG! I felt a little cramp and I thought to myself oh yeah I know what's coming soon. And then I thought Holy Sh*t I need to check my Period Calender and low and behold I will be on my 3rd day yeah thats right ladies 3rd day or should I say the WORST DAY FOR THE OC MARATHON!!! So hence this State of Panic has settled in.  What am I gonna do I can barley run 2 miles when my friend comes visits, how am I going to complete a half marathon???? I heard about the women friendly runner runners trick of how to pee while standing up when you are wearing shorts. Does the same technique apply for changing a tampon? I'm at a loss here. Do runner runners even have period? Probably not. And besides only runner runners wear those retarded shorts. If there was ever a time when I though I might actually pass out on the side of the trail this is definetly it. HELPPP.. - SCARED TO RUN NON RUNNER


  1. New followe via blog hop. Hope you will follow me too @

  2. Welcome to the blog! Thanks for joining us! We will definitely follow you!
