Joggers bounce up and down at stoplights-Runners just stand there looking pissed.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Another Non-Runner Runner's bitching and moaning....

So I am a "Non-Runner" runner too. I wake up every morning hoping and praying to become a "I love to run" runner. No luck yet...Shit! Saturday was our 8 mile long run. It sucked ass!! I think it might be because i'm not following my previous running routines (i.e bagel and protein for fuel). And those damn shot bloks are NOT working. WTF!!!??? Half way through that I run, one of the other "non-runners" had to let me use her inhaler. Ugh.. It's wednesday and my damn legs still hurt and my ankle won't bend properly. I should probably stop wearing 4" heels when my legs hurt, but nah, F it...I'm in pain but I look good. Do runners wear heels and makeup? Just curious... Stay tuned for more updates from the non-runners. I'm sure we are pissing off the "i love to run" crowd.
Love and Kisses


  1. Tomorrow I'm wearing 5 inch heels. To make you feel better.

  2. hi, keep it up and never say I give up.... I know you too well, you're not a quitter..... Otherwise, I will give you something to bitch and moan.
