Joggers bounce up and down at stoplights-Runners just stand there looking pissed.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Blog...

A little over a year ago today, someone in this small group of girls I run with, decided that it would be a brilliant idea to run 26.2 miles in a marathon. Even though none of us to that day had ever ran anywhere in our lives except maybe to the restroom to avoid peeing in our cubicles. And we were going to do it in 5 months. Crazy madness. I should have started this blog back then to document all the insanity. I'm sure some of those stories will end up coming out eventually. After completing that 1st marathon, the girls and I had dreams of running marathons every month but that plan fell by the wayside when we discovered how much we dislike running. Actually, I don't think we discovered that we hated running...I think we already KNEW that during the whole experience of the FIRST marathon. it is more than a year later and these girls are planning on running 3 marathons this year. Thus the idea of starting a blog to document this years trek of obliterating marathons came up. This blog will be a collaboration of all of our running experiences, challenges, tears, laughs, lost toenails, broken knees, and crazy shinanigans. I honestly think we really only run to hang out with each other on weekends, eat frozen fruit, shotbloks and pretzels, torture our bodies, and then believe in our hearts that we are super skinny and sexy for the rest of the week. And we will tell you we are skinny too. But we are definitly NOT runners...

Welcome to our non-runner's runners world.


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