Joggers bounce up and down at stoplights-Runners just stand there looking pissed.

Thursday, March 31, 2011


Can you run with an Ulcer?? 

I was just recently diagnosed with a bleeding ulcer, not fun but it’s small enough that it will heal in a couple of weeks (fingers crossed). 

 Hahahaha man I thought this was the end of my running days but I guess you can run with an ulcer as long as you eat right and 6 times a day. 

 I am so lucky to have these girls to run with, they keep me motivated and laughing the entire time.  So OC half marathon here I come J



  1. oh my gosh, I am loving this blog! NEWEST FOLLOWER from the hop! You should come and link up to our wednesday workout hop too!

    I totally wanna run a half marathon one of these days, but since I haven't run a 5K in two years, I might need some practice :)

  2. ewww and sorry bout the ulcer, that's NEVER fun...get well soon :)

  3. Omg that's crazy! hope you feel better.

    I just found your blog through one of the Wednesday blog hops. Have a great week!!

    Amanda @
