Joggers bounce up and down at stoplights-Runners just stand there looking pissed.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Roadrunner Shoe Store – Asics Nimbus Perfect Fit, Love It!

After I had my moment on Saturday where I told myself I need to get by OCD Mojo back, I went home, showered, ate and then I went to The Roadrunner Shoe store. Love that place.  I did my “Shoe Dog” experience (they have a black and white dalmation as their mascot – Cute), they had me get on the treadmill, filmed my ankles/feet as I jog for a few seconds and were able to pinpoint what or where I may have the aches and pain.  They helped me find the right type of shoe, it was great.  I love Asics, they have the stability and cushioning that I need for a great feel, they feel great from head to toe. I thought I could try a different brand but after trying on several different brands of shoes (New Balance, Nike, Adidas, Brooks, etc.) I kept coming back to the Asics Nimbus Gel shoes.  At The Roadrunner Store, they are helpful and very nice. I would recommend to anyone that if you can get a chance go there for your running shoes and if you sign up for VIP, you get a discount on almost all items.


  1. I hate running too but am trying to get into it. I want to eventually be able to run a 5k.

    I am following you from the Welcome Wednesday. When you get a chance please follow me back. Thanks!

  2. Now who loves running? *silence.. crickets* But after a whole menu at McD's I'm definitely running my ass out all the way to home:P hi hi I just found your blog and I am now following you thanks to Welcome Wednesday blog hop and it would be so nice if you could share the love back on my blog:)
    And don't forget to check our new Blog Tutorial going on today. It's very easy and it would look amazing on your blog:) See you there!
    Happy Thursday

  3. Welcome to the blog girls! Hope you find some humor in our running escapades!
    @Fuegita= a 5K is a great goal to start with!
    @Design It Chic=I am SO excited to learn how to make out blog look super amazing!
